Kevin Gilmartin, Ph.D., Police Psychologist

We know support for law enforcement families is very important, but can you point us to a program of family support that works and shows us how to get one started at our agency? I believe the book How to Thrive with Back up: a Guidebook for Supporting the Families of Those Who Serve answers those questions. The authors provide not just a philosophical perspective on the importance of supporting the families of those that protect society but give a blueprint of the nuts and bolts of building a program that accomplishes that goal.

We know support for law enforcement families is very important, but can you point us to a program of family support that works and shows us how to get one started at our agency? I believe the book How to Thrive with Back up: a Guidebook for Supporting the Families of Those Who Serve answers those questions. The authors provide not just a philosophical perspective on the importance of supporting the families of those that protect society but give a blueprint of the nuts and bolts of building a program that accomplishes that goal.

Kevin Gilmartin, Ph.D., Police Psychologist