The Law Enforcement Personality Profile
The Law Enforcement Personality Profile is a 60 item self-reporting, non-judgmental instrument that is an excellent way to help recognize and define police personalities Leadership Skills and understand the law enforcement culture in a different light. It is used by college and university professors, in-service police trainers, leadership and executive consultants and police psychologists to explain the various strengths we bring to our law enforcement organizations. It helps explain conflicts we may have with other professions, how to build additional skills and capacity, and can help make us more culturally aware. It takes attendees approximately fifteen to twenty minutes to complete. Upon completion, instructors, using the Description Booklet, usually take one and one half to two hours to easily explain the theory and discuss the results using the PowerPoint furnished at no cost upon request. Attendees leave the sessions with a new and different understanding of the strengths and challenges they, as public safety personnel bring to the profession. It is an excellent tool for understanding how attendees can develop leadership capacity and team building skills. Facilitators can use the information to take the session in as many different directions they so choose.
The Law Enforcement Personality Profile measures Jungian cognitive working personalities that define the ways police typically prefer to take in information and make decisions. It defines the four most common cognitive functions of taking in information and making decisions that exist in the law enforcement and public safety professions. Thousands of officers and Criminal Justice students from all over the U.S., Canada, and the world have taken the Profile since its development giving them insights as to benefits they can bring to the profession.
Being aware of the four different personalities and ways that law enforcement and public safety professionals prefer to take in information and make decisions gives us additional insights into our own leadership skills and behavior. Taking the Personality Profile can also add much to understanding of issues dealing with cultural awareness and racial sensitivity as well as the typical conflicts that may exist between police and the very citizens they are sworn to protect and serve.
Ready to find out more?
Learn more about how you can develop more competent leadership skills in policing as well as understanding communication challenges with the diverse community. These skills can make police officers more culturally aware and racially sensitive in interactions with the communities we serve.
The Profile can help explain...
- Why certain people are attracted to policing.
- Why tension exists (and probably always will) between law enforcement agencies and the media, the helping professions, and others.
- Why building a community based policing strategy, so important in today's challenging environment, can be helped by understanding how most of us, as police professionals, look at the world.
To the individual officer, commander, executive, and administrative employee:
- It provides self awareness and helps individuals learn about themselves and their preferences for action, and why we all prefer some ways of doing things over others. Understanding helps build leadership capacity.
- It helps to offer a logical and orderly model of cultural differences and human behavior in policing.
- The Profile builds leadership and makes interactions with others in our organization and in the community more easily understandable. It provides a framework to understand why people take differing approaches to common problems.
- It indicates why things may come easy to some officers and why other things are more difficult to accomplish.
Excellence and outstanding leadership performance in any organization demands looking at various situations from differing points of view. The clearest vision of the future could come from an Intuitive, the practical realism from a Sensing Type, an objective analysis from a Thinking Type, and the skillful handing of people from a Feeling Type. All of the combinations of these four functions contribute to the effective operations of a well functioning law enforcement or public safety agency. The Profile explains which of these strengths are strongest in each person.
Police Personalities
Law Enforcement Leadership, Management & Supervision
Written by Dr. Jones, Lt. (Ret.) and Deputy Chief (Ret.) Blackledge
Law Enforcement Leadership, Management & Supervision provides a robust mix of theory and practical application for current and aspiring sergeants, lieutenants - and those who aspire to higher command. Jones and Blackledge include best practices, along with illustrative case examples and self-assessments.
Why Cops Act the Way They Do
Written by: Stephen M. Hennessy, Ed.D. (Author), James R. DeLung, Ph.D (Author)
This book is an important addition to every police officer, recruit, or student of law enforcement’s knowledge base. It helps explain why cops act like cops.
The turbulent environment in which law enforcement currently operates draws close scrutiny and occasional shrill criticism from the far right, the far left, and the political center. It is an essential read to help understand the various ways law enforcement officers take in information and make decisions.