Paul N. Conner, Chief of Police
, Round Rock Police Department, Texas
, Retired Deputy Chief, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department

“Dr. Gilmartin’s book, Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement, is the tool we need to keep focused on the emotional well-being of our personnel. In addition, it provides those uninitiated to Gilmartin’s concepts the opportunity to experience his dynamic class as he guides us step-by-step through the personal challenges faced by every cop. Armed with Gilmartin’s…

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Sergeant Alan Green
, Los Angeles Police Department

“As a twenty-six-year veteran of law enforcement, I have had the opportunity to read many books and observe many trainers. Emotional Survival is a work of art! This book is perhaps the best law enforcement–related reading I have ever experienced. Whether you have twenty minutes on the job or twenty years, this book will make…

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Ann Marie Doherty
, Superintendent
 Boston Police Dept.

“The unique and increased value of this book . . . is that it can easily be revisited periodically. There are many occasions where reading (and rereading) this book can be immensely beneficial—these include when an officer is hired, reassigned, and/or promoted. From a command perspective, this book provides insights which can directly influence how…

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